Saturday, September 15, 2007

Raman sir's class...

hello friends...
In this post is for the data structures class which is held on 16 th of this month...
Mainly this class is for completing the syllabus and clearing the douts on the topics which are covered.Class starts as usually as the working days at 10 am.Then in the class raman sir started revising the topics from arrays..In array he tough about the basic one dimensional array and two dimensional array,and even he wrote the code for taking input in two dimensional array.Then he introduced three dimensional arrays.Main interesting thing he said is that, multi dimensional array (more than 3 dim) are mainly used in software industries than normal single dimension and two dimensional arrays.Then he starts with stacks and he revised the whole concept of stacks and even he discussed the code for the stacks.Then he cleared the some douts and he said about the program of post fix using stacks.He almost said the code for that program of post fix expression using stacks.Then he said about the queue concept and revised the whole concept of queue.He said the code for the circular queue and normal queue.Then he said the code for the circular queue without using the count variable.Most of the students have douts in that code which is with out count variable.But sir explained it very well.Then he just gone through the link lists and once he refreshed the whole concept of link list.Then he came to the tree concept and he refreshed the whole concept of tree once again.He than discussed about the expression tree and its code.Then he discussed about the code which will convert all nodes of a tree to array form and the code for finding the height of the particular node.Then some one asked about the concept of recursion so sir explained the whole concept of recursion using factorial program.But so many students did not clear with the concept of the recursion so sir explained the same function using a for loop and with a recursion function.Than he discussed the code of recursion nearly 4 times ,because so many students are not clear with the concept of recursion.As the recursion is the most important concept which will be used in many of the programs.Then he said about the find node function in tree using recursion.In that program also he cleared many douts regarding the recursion.Then again he came to the concept of queues and said about the post fix function using queue's.Then he discussed about the avl tree which are mainly used as the tree will be in balanced structure in this. Then he asked any one to talk about the avl tree for 10 mins.But no one in the class talk about the avl tree for even 5 min.Then he said about the breadth first search and depth first search in tree's.Even he said the code for the breadth first search and the depth first searches.He discussed it very slow as it is very important topic.
Than we had a break for lunch and after due to cricket match of India the class was postponed to Monday.. This class was very interesting and very useful as it was mainly to clear the douts.
Ok friends i will be back in a new post soon...

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